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The lockdowns were a success

Submitted by Unifex on

We no longer need to pull punches with anti-vaxxers

If you find anyone that is still arguing against the lockdowns, send them this. There's no discussion any more. It was a success. New Zealand is held up as an example of how things should be done.

Matthew 22:15–22

Submitted by Unifex on
...Show me the coin used for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. Then he said to them, “Whose head is this, and whose title?” They answered, “The emperor’s.” Then he said to them, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s....

NZ Govt job cuts at the MoH

Submitted by Unifex on
The current NZ Govt has a requirement to fund their tax cuts for landlords. To do that they need to cut spending. One of the ways they think they're doing this is by "cutting the bureaucracy" and this is supposedly achieved by cutting front line staff.


Submitted by Unifex on

So... I've had a persistent headache for just over a month now. It causes mild nausea. All the time.

I've been to my GP and they sent me for a CT. This revealed that I'd had a bleed in my basal ganglia. It's not an ongoing bleed. The radiologist reports that this is unlikely to be the cause of the headache/nausea though. My GP has put me in the queue for a consult with a neurologist and this will likely result in an MRI.

But this is in the public health system so I'm looking at a few weeks wait. Until then... I have new drugs to manage the nausea and headache.

Star One

Submitted by Unifex on

Star One is the closest point in the Milky Way to the Andromeda Galaxy. After about 20 jumponium injected jumps I arrived late last night.

Wandering out into the black...

Given the state of humanity right now, it's hard to decide if I just keep going or turn back and continue the journey around the rim.