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Pharmacy Council endorses quackery

Submitted by Unifex on

The updated Pharmacy Council mission statement for 2018

Our primary role is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of the public profits by ensuring pharmacists are competent and fit to practise can sell any quackery they like.


From their About Us page:

It's not a "Swiss Report"

Submitted by Unifex on

The Letter to the Editor from Felix Gurtner[1] that challenges the nature and representation of the "Swiss Report" was commonly linked to via the PDF on the Swiss Medical Weekly site. This PDF has been removed and is now returning a 404.

I've located the actual Letter to the Editor on the Swiss Medical Weekly website though. If you reference this often you'll want to update your bookmarks to this; 

My year off is near its end

Submitted by Unifex on

Last year was bad. Losing Julian was one of the final straws. I pretty much checked out of everything for the year. Token activity on social media, barely looked at any code, no projects for friends, charity or pay. For the most part I let my inner misanthrope win and have had very little social contact at all.

I'm finding that I don't mind it either and I suspect this will continue for a bit longer.

Homeopathy raises funds proportional to the evidence for it

Submitted by Unifex on
In a world where a tiny vinyl toy can raise $6,465,690 in funds I find it just a little reassuring that someone UC Berkeley’s alumni magazine described as “a leading homeopath” and a prime mover and spokesperson for homeopathy in the United States today is able to raise so little interest from the homeopathy community and industry.