So, I've had the domain for some time and I've finally found the time to sit down and do something with it. This site is primarily going to be a blog and experimental playground for using Drupal 8.
Things at work are slowly heading towards Drupal 8 being the default starting point but I'm finding it a little slow for my liking. One of the drawbacks of having a decent number of regular clients I guess. So I'm diving in here with a reboot of a personal site of my own.
I'm looking at using this site for a few main things to start with;
- Get back into blogging
- Experiment with themes (main interest is Material)
- Experiment with social networks and account management in D8.
- It's be nice to be able to have people arrive and comment with a social network based account creation in the background. I suspect this is already doable, but I still need to figure out how it's done.
- Get up to speed on migration of content into D8 from external sources
- My old LJ
- The old freelancing blog (evolved)
- The skepticism blog (NZ SitP)
- The walk (Intentionally Homeless)
Once I've managed to import all that I'll look at revamping the old sites but set them up as agregators that take a feed from here and selectively import their content based on tags on the local posts.