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The use of the term "Eradicated" in a medical sense...

Submitted by Unifex on
Polio has not been eradicated because it still occurs in third world countries even though it does not occur in the US.
- Bri, Thursday, November 15, 2018 7:52 AM

Science and the rest of the world use words slightly differently.

e.g. "Theory". It means something different in science than it does out in the world. Out in the world it means "Fact" and anyone that uses the phrase "It's only a theory" is demonstrating that they don't understand the framework the discussion is happening in.

"Eradicated" is like that. In this context the statement "Polio has been eradicated from the U.S." is a factual statement and it's important to understand the usage of the word if you are going to be participating in conversations on the topic. Otherwise, you will be like that person claiming "It's only a theory." And no-one *wants* to be that person. Right?

In the context of a medical conversation, and specifically the claim above, the term relates to the region mentioned. In the context of diseases like this one it also refers to native sources.  So when the claim "Polio has been eradicated in the U.S." is made it means that all of the local native sources of polio have been dealt to.  This does not mean it can not reappear in a country as it can be reintroduced from outside sources. But when these things happen they tend to fail to get a foothold in the country for many reasons and in the case of polio the vaccine is a major contributor to that.

But the main point; it's important to understand the context of how words are used least you look like an idiot.

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